Thursday, July 26, 2012

Running Across The George Washington Bridge in A Thunderstorm

So at work today, I get this email from the building management that we're supposed to get this killer storm, and to stay away from the windows and such.  My boss and I are like 'Yah.  They always talk a good talk but it never happens"
Fast forward to tonight.  I finally FINALLY get my ass into some shorts to go for a run.  I've only been running like, three times this year.  Pathetic.  So despite the heat and mugginess, I decide it's do or die time.  I start out in my neighborhood heading out in my usual direction, either gonna go up to Fort Tryon or down to the River Walk, but as I'm passing the entrance to the GW Bridge I think "hmmm, maybe the walkway's open."  A cyclist appears to be just coming off the bridge and I yell "Is it open?" and he nods, affirmative!
I've never crossed the GW on foot.  I have been wanting to do this since I heard about it a couple weeks ago.  Alright!  I start my little run up the ramp and onto the bridge.  It's a tough start for my rusty respiratory, but I'm totally into this.  On the bridge proper there is a nice, strong breeze.  The sky is a little dark for this time of day at this time of year, but I just figure it's getting near sunset.  The closer I get to the New Jersey side, however, the darker the sky to the north is getting.  There're some pretty good roiling clouds gathering up there as well.  By the time I turn to head back I see the vista at the north end of the river is deep slate blue, and there are some good, black clouds hanging in the sky.  I'm hoping to see some lightning off in the distance.  The clouds are shifting, gathering closer to the bridge and overhead.  There's a big dark roiling sky overhead, and the wind is picking up.  I love storms!  This is getting exciting.  
The sky has gathered on the Jersey side and the cloud area is growing in size and darkness.  The wind has got a cold edge to it, and there are flashes behind some of the buildings to the southwest.  I'm alternately running backwards to watch the light show and jogging towards Manhattan.  It might be a good idea to be off of the bridge when this storm picks up strength.  Just after I pass under the Manhattan side tower, I feel some light drops on my skin.  The lightning is getting more defined behind me.  I still don't hear any thunder yet though.
I see two women starting to head across the bridge with a stroller.  I'm about to suggest they turn back, but they've already made that decision.  Good choice.  As I start down the bridge access ramp, the rain picks up.  The sky is dark all around now, and there are big, fat drops of rain falling.  I keep thinking it might be hail, but it's just big rain.  The lightning is starting to spread north and south of where it was, and I catch a couple of bolts striking.  I stop on the ramp to watch for a minute, but self preservation has me heading off the ramp towards safety.
As I turn on to my street, the sky opens and the wind picks up, bending the tops of trees over.  I hold out where I can still see the Pallisades so I can keep watching the lightning.  Bolts are shooting down behind the north side of the bridge now, and still on the Jersey side.  I see a few particularly striking bolts (haha  I'm punny) and decide to head back to my building.
Later, in my room looking out at the storm, I see a couple really good strikes.  What a great storm.  I've pretty much forgotten about the run, at this point, and all the calisthenics and stretching  I was gonna do when I got back.  But at least I got the run in, and I'm back on track.  Tomorrow I might even do my situps.

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