Friday, December 14, 2012

The True Purpose of Your Smart Phone

AYaYaYaY  It has been a looong time.  I'm forcing myself to put digits to keys and spew forth.

Biggest things first; it is time for a Face Book revolution.  We need to change what we choose to post on Face Book.  This is my cry to the world to accept the challenge of Rob Brezny's Pronoia and focus on the positive.  I  know that there are still a lot of mean (in the common sense of the word), base, pedantic, pedestrian yet frustrating goings on in the toilet seat of our 'government' and that we are compelled to call our kin to arms "Viva Le Revolucion"!

However, I purport that the old battle of fighting against the entrenched, stale, bacteria stained,  moldy politicians and those they've brainwashed is a waste of good creative, fun-loving energy.

I urge us to, instead, wage a war of positivity.  Post acts of human kindness and brave sharing.  Share delighted posts that support expressions of original creativity and realized potential.

Eschew individual causes for equal treatment and demand that all living things be afforded the respect inherent in the mere fact of our incarnation.

GO BIG with your generosity and optimism.

I was small yesterday.  A grumpiness overtook me and I reacted badly to miniscule-mindedness on the train.  Although humorous in the later telling of it, the tale itself was of an intellect used to cut as deep as possible, and one I am a little bit ashamed of.  I am not proud of that use of my facilities (well, maybe a little bit...*snicker*).

I felt a need to redeem my soul, as the indulgence in baseness is as surely a soul sucker as working under a reptilian manager.  So I found my higher purpose and proceeded to go out of my way to be forgiving and loving in each moment starting last night and continuing today.  I love the way connecting to Christ-love inflates my cranium with a warm glow.  I practiced non-reaction and willful loving and forgiveness on my squished seat on the subway; mostly, anyway.

As I made my way to the office this morning, I noticed a woman, in bright cerise pants, remaining stationary while the crowds milled past her.  Clearly, this woman had a question about something.  I stopped and asked her if she needed help.  Turns out she was looking for the Ecuadorian Embassy "On third Avenue".

"Oh, you need an address, " I helpfully informed her.

She didn't have one, so I whipped out my Iphone and googled 'Ecuadorian Embassy'.  I got the Consulate General, clicked on the 'call them' link and when the auto answer started talking in spanish, handed the phone over to my new friend.  Within a minute, she had the address and was on her way.  I felt very happy and she was delighted.

Sometimes, while lying in bed unwinding before shutting my eyes, I'll play the downloaded game of the moment on my phone.  Part of me curses myself and the phone for our indulgence and laziness and for succumbing to cultural programming.  Other times, I am delighted that such mindless entertainments are available to me.  Now, though, I am delighted by my smartphone, because it turns out it has a real purpose.

Go forth and spread the true spirit of the season.
