Wednesday, January 9, 2013

BubbleFlu Symphony

Who has the flu?!  "I do! I do!"

Just like that gum commercial in the 70's; "Who wants gum?"  "I do! I do!"  Isn't this fun?

I'm improvising a humidifier at work.  I work in the driest office in the city. I'm pretty sure that, not only is there no moisture in the air but, there is a sucking effect as the molecules of water are drawn out of my skin, like in those nature show time-lapse sequences where you watch a desert oasis dry up and crack as the dirt pulls away from itself to reveal a craggy, thirsty landscape.  That's my face right now.

This improvised humidifier consists of an electric teapot, placed under my desk and let to boil until the water is gone.  It is LOUD.  and noisy.  And loud and noisy and bubbly.  I'm sure it is annoying to the attorneys outside of whose offices I sit.  It annoys me, and it's causing me stress that it might be annoying them.  But it is too dry for me to shut it off.  And the steam feels sooo gooood.

Do they know that I have it bubbling because I'm sick?  Can they possibly know the truth of my illness, that I am exhausted all the time.  Can they see that one day, when I expire from exhaustion, they will shake their heads sadly at the tragedy, at the sacrifices I made to continue to be a stalwart employee and be at my desk, rain or shine, snow or wind, in sickness and in health?  Will they admire my commitment and work ethic and wipe away a tear as they recall my selflessness and purity of heart?

Or will they just be like, "Thank god we don't have to hear that stupid bubbling pot!  Yeesh!"

Bubble burble bubble bubble toil and trouble cauldron bubble burble bubble bubble.




Bubbleblurblebubblebrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  Bubble.

I'm hungry now.  When I have a cold I get really, ravenously hungry.  Rawr.  That's my stomach.  Burble.  Rawr.  I think I'm going to write the flu symphony.

Rawr. Burble brrrrrr bubb Rawr.  Burble.  Brrrrrrr.  Bubb.

Everybody. Sing with me now!