Monday, August 27, 2012

No, You are NOT my Enemy

I am doing this against my will.  I would much rather indulge my addiction to Angry Birds than try and dig into the bowels of my soul and articulate some gleaming pearls of wisdom for you all, my friends.  I guess the guilt is getting to me, too.  I am getting paid, right now, and for not really doing anything, so since I'm not a professional gamer, I guess I should look busy.

Also, I went to a Buddhist prayer meeting yesterday and in addition to being given the message of 'the Truth of Impermanence", the message to not be lazy was reinforced.  I've been hearing it a lot lately and it just does not jive with my new philosophy of giving up on any dreams I might have had in my youth and indulging the inclination to play games on my phone.  Wait, though.  Playing Angry Birds isn't really being lazy.  That game takes some strategy!  "Especially at the higher levels," she whined.

I could take on the exercise of writing for a half hour every day.  I don't know if I can commit, but if I do, and you are a faithful reader, I make no promises about quality or content.

OK.  So today's topic, Enemies.  Don't blame me.  It's not my idea.  I found it on a creative writing site.  It's the word of the day.

Enemies.  When I think of enemies I think of battles and big war campaigns; countries throwing big and bloody to assuage some power hungry man's insatiable appetite.  I don't think of the people I know personally.  If I have an issue with someone, I don't think of them as my enemy, I just think of them as a shitty person, or irritating or infuriating.  The term 'enemy' never comes to mind, somehow.

I wonder if that is because on some level I want all people to be my friend.  Oh, dear.  Now, that's a profound discovery.

The 'new's has been full to overflowing lately with hateful statements made by politicians.  'Certainly, Mother of Bug, you don't want those people to be your friends," you say?  Well, no, not in their current hateful state of unconsciousness and ignorance.  However, here is an unfortunate trait I possess over which I seemingly have no control:  I have the misguided belief that if only people could change into their evolved soul we could all dance happily around the Maypole together, me with my pastel streamer in hand, you with yours.

Sadly, that ain't the way it is, is it Virginia?  This ain't Kansas and people are assholes.  So now, do I consider these ignorant incarnations my 'enemies'?  Nope. That word still doesn't stick.

Perhaps it is because in order to consider someone your enemy, you must consider them your equal.  Perhaps it's arrogance that doesn't allow me to consider people who aren't like-minded evolved enough to be my enemy.

Could be, who knows...."Somethin's comin, I don't know, what it is , but it is, Gonna be GREAT!".  Sorry.  Sometimes I burst into spontaneous song.  We all should, you know.  It would make great friends of many who would be enemies.

All I do know is that if I were a victim on Law and Order and they were going around asking people "Did she have any enemies" the only honest response would have to be "None that she was aware of..."  Being unnaturally paranoid, I often think people don't like me, but I never think of us involved in a Super Hero, Marvel Comics kind of ongoing conflict (where, of course, I would be the Super Hero and they would be the Nemisis.  Although, being a nemisis does sound like an awful lot of fun; all of that evil laughing and destroying people who anger you and purring and wearing cat suits.  OMG, ok, batman purists, I know Catwoman wasn't his nemesis.  This is my fantasy, OK?!).

Or maybe I don't consciously apply the 'enemy' label to anyone because I really, really, really don't like conflict.  I'm not afraid of it, but it can make me very uncomfortable, in a sweaty, shaky, heart palpitating kind of way.

If we disagree, I will not consider you my enemy.  If you do me wrong, I will not consider you my enemy.    Anyone who sees my Facebook responses to some political commentary knows that I am not afraid to speak my mind.  I may label you and make provocative statements.  Adamantly.  But I will never consider you my enemy. Apparently, you don't qualify.

1 comment:

  1. I think you rock-keep writing...of course, we have a lot of the same views on things, so not even potential enemy material, here. Still, always good to hear another take on life:)
